
criminal suit 刑事訴訟。


The author of this article has done some comparasi on and analysis on plea bargain systems in america , britain , canada , dermany , italy and so on . analyse the reasonable existence of plea bargain . that is , it embodies the efficiency value aims of crimind suit , embodies punishing serious crimes in current western countrise and obtaining maximum social benefits in criminal justice ; shows the principal role of the defendant in criminal suit and democratic thoughts of lawsuit ; and also shows the individual value outlook of criminal penalty 本文對美國、英國、加拿大、德國、意大利等國辯訴交易制度進行了比較分析,剖析了辯訴交易存在的合理性在于:體現了對刑事訴訟的效率價值目標追求;體現了現代西方國家打擊嚴重犯罪,獲得社會效益最大化的刑事司法策略;體現了被告人在刑事訴訟中的主體地位和訴訟民中化思想;體現了刑罰個別化的價值觀念。

The lawyer ' s right just gets its moral value from above functions . the restriction that the triangular construction of modern criminal suit reflects to the penal power and the justice that should be brought about in procedure and substance of penal judicature are the demands of ideal relation in the binary society structure 律師刑事訴訟權利也因此獲得了它的倫理價值。現代刑事訴訟三角結構所體現的對國家刑罰權的制約、刑事訴訟應當實現的程序和實體公正,是二元并立社會結構應然關系的要求。

Seen from world criminal suit developing history , doctrine of function and power is in the trend of falling , while doctrine of part is rising obviously . to perfect the system of investigative interrogation of our country should consider the situation of our country 從世界范圍的刑事訴訟發展歷史看,職權主義明顯處于衰退趨勢,而當事人主義明顯處于上升趨勢。完善我國的刑事偵查訊問制度必須堅持從國情出發,從價值觀上借鑒兩大法系的合理因素,既重視實體真實和訴訟效率,又要注重訊問過程自身的價值。

The evidence rule is the practical and regular evidence operational procedure to criminal suit . this part discussed the difference between the narrow sense in a broad sense of the evidence rules and the functional problems relative to the evidence system and the status in evidence rule which made the foundation well for the following argument 而刑事訴訟證據規則是實用的規律性的證據操作規程,本文給刑事訴訟證據規則在廣義上和狹義上給證據規則作了界定,并簡略地論述了證據在訴訟中的地位、證據制度與證據規則的關系、證據規則的作用等基礎性的問題,為后面的論述打好了基礎。

In order to lasting nature that country intervenes , and referee has already sentenced the lawsuit to the expansion quality of strength , lawsuit function preventative , the plaintiff can be rewarded after winning a lawsuit . criminal suit as far as its essence is concerned a kind of public good la 從民事公益訴訟的歸屬看,它不僅是公法介入私法的產物,也與民事、刑事和行政三大訴訟法既有區別又相互聯系;同時應將其與集團訴訟制度、代表人訴訟制度區開來。

This lecture analyzed the witness “ concept , probe into the characteristic of witness “ testimony further , regarded as the evidence that one kind of criminal suit is important , witness “ testimony must be in a situation that the witness appears in court , could guarantee it as value of evidence of words 本文從分析證人的概念開始,進一步探討證人證言的特點,作為刑事訴訟一種重要的證據,證人證言必須在證人出庭的情況下,才能保證其作為言詞證據的價值。

But of our country criminal suit person who appear in court very low witness have , have its history traditional reason already , there is a reason of the citizen ' s legal consciousness too , but the more important thing is legislating and reason of the administration of justice 然而我國刑事訴訟中證人出庭率十分低,既有其歷史傳統的原因,也有公民的法律意識的原因,但更重要的是立法和司法方面的原因。

The lawyer ' s role has very great significance to civil society without the jury in criminal suit . civil society participates in the criminal judicature in order to preserve its member from illegal infringing of state and protect itself by the preservation 市民社會參與刑事司法既是為了維護其單個成員利益免受國家刑罰權的不法侵害,更在于通過這種維護來防止國家對市民社會的威脅。

There are four different viewpoints about the relation between the criminal suit procedural justice and suit efficiency the theory of suit justice having priority ; the theory of justice and efficiency all embracing ; the theory of unity of opposites 關于刑事訴訟程序公正(正義)與訴訟效率的關系有四種不同的觀點:訴訟公正優先說,訴訟效率優先說,公正與效率兼容說,對立統一關系說。

Definite definitions is the prerequisite for the research . the first part of this paper defined three essential definitions in studying the evidence regulation reform of criminal suit which are criminal suit evidence , evidence system 本文第一部份先界定三個在研究刑事訴訟規則改革中必不可少的概念: (刑事訴訟)證據、證據制度、 (刑事訴訟證據)規則。

During current criminal suit of our country , there still no other evidence like statement made by suspect is used so extensively , also no other evidence play an important role in criminal suit like statement of suspect 在我國現行的刑事訴訟中,還沒有哪一種證據象口供那樣使用廣泛,還沒有哪一種證據象口供那樣在偵查破案中發揮重要的作用。

The principle of presumption of innocence , a general rule in many countries ' legislation and international conventions , determines the suspect or the defendant ' s procedural position and rights in criminal suit 摘要無罪推定原則是各國立法通例和國際公約普遍規定,主要確定刑事訴訟中犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的訴訟地位及訴訟權利。

So , if we want to change this kind of imperfect state , we should chang the traditional lawsuit idea at first , establish the “ human - oriented ” idea , embody humane care to the criminal suit party 因此,要改變這種不完善的狀態,我們首先應當改變傳統的訴訟觀念,樹立“以人為本”的理念,體現出對刑事訴訟當事人的人文關懷。

Therefore , the lawyer ' s right is in fact the power of civil society helping its member in criminal suit , the participating , restricting and supervising power to the penal po wer of state in criminal judicature 因此,律師刑事訴訟權利實質上是市民社會對其成員的幫助權、刑事司法參與權、對國家權力的制約與監督權。

The lawyer ' s right in criminal suit is the expression of the essence of law of the binary society structure that is as a thing , and the interests and the needs that the material production engenders 律師刑事訴訟權利就是二元并立社會結構這一事物的法的本質和一定物質生產所產生的利益和需要的表現。

The definition of evidence rule of criminal suit is that the evidences are the mark , image , etcs of the case the judicial authority approved to prove the truth in the course of criminal suit 本文認為刑事訴訟證據是指在刑事訴訟過程中,由司法機關認可的能夠證明案情的物品、痕跡、映象等。

In criminal suit , japan has taken in the legal spirits of plea bargain in both britain and america , and combines its own conditions to establish the prosecuting hesitation system 日本在刑事訴訟中吸取了英美等國辯訴交易的法律精神并結合該國實際創立了起訴猶豫制度。

In the article , the author has given some analyses to the present condition of the lawyer ' s right in criminal suit in china , and has made some proposals on its improvement 本文在對我國律師刑事訴訟權利幾個重要內容作出分析后,就其改進提出了個人意見。

In part iv the author presents the troubles lawyers meet in criminal suits , analyses its reasons and puts forward corresponding solutions to that 在律師業務的拓展方面,本文第四部分著重論述了律師在刑事訴訟業務中的困境,同時分析了成因并提出了相應對策。